Tuesday, December 5, 2017

City of Garland Code Compliance V. Garland Homeowner Set For Trial By Jury on January 8, 2018.... Maybe

Photo taken on Dec. 6, 2017
Garland Code Compliance w/ Officer Sal Haq
Haq stopped in front of my house and returned on Dec. 7, 2017.
Trial upcoming so, Haq increasing his attention to my house.

I appeared in court this morning to begin the trial for the seven citations issued against me by the City of Garland Department of Code Compliance. Based off of previous experience with the court, I was expecting to talk to the prosecutor about a new plea deal they offer every time I have appeared and then wait until the judge calls me to the bench to inform me that they are overbooked today and they need to reset my trial date.
To my surprise, that didn't happen... Sort of.

The prosecutor in court today was a new one to me. His name eludes my memory but, he offered to dismiss two citations and reduce the fines for the remaining five. I told him that the offer was much worse than last time I was in court. He replied with a comment that I really wasn't even listening to and I declined the offer. He said they were ready to proceed to trial and I told him that I was as well. He told me to wait to talk to the judge and that was it with him.

While waiting for the judge to appear, I noticed the courtroom only had one other person waiting and I began to wonder if the trial would actually happen today. Garland prosecutors are known for delaying cases until they can't be bumped any further and right before the trial is about to begin.... The prosecutor will dismiss the case and avoid having to spend the time hearing the case.
The judge called the other person up and they agreed to a plea deal. That left me as the only remaining case.

The judge called me to the bench and he asked if I was ready to proceed. I told him I was prepared but, my mind was anywhere but in court. He asked what I meant and I told him about the situation I was currently facing at home with my 74- year old father in home hospice care. The judge was really nice and understanding about it and told me he would give me a reset for the trial. He asked me things about not having an attorney and I told him I didn't want to represent myself but, getting a qualified lawyer to represent me in this kind of case was not possible because of what they would cost me. I had previously not had a favorable opinion of the judge but, after talking to him today...he really showed that he isn't as hard nosed and intimidating as he has shown before. He deserves genuine credit for that.

Now that I will be first on the trial docket for my next appearance, I will submit several subpoenas for witnesses to appear. As the clerk was preparing the documents for my next court date, the code compliance officer (he was issued his license on July 28th, 2017, and ALL of the tickets he wrote were BEFORE he was licensed), Dawood Haq AKA Sal Haq, came into the courtroom and looked to be joking it up with the clerk and prosecutor. It didnt surprise me that on his way out, he avoided eye contact with me as he walked by. I am really hoping this case will be allowed to go to trial and not be dismissed at the last second. After all the wrongdoing Mr. Haq has done, rights he has violated and lying he has done in his misuse of power (when he didn't have the legal power to do so), it would only be fair to have the details of it all to become public record by being exposed in court.
I really can't wait to ask him to explain even some of the things he has done when he had no right to do them.

Even if the case is dismissed, I know that Karma will be visiting Code Compliance officers Sal Haq, Cheryl Reno, Nick Moss, Oswaldo Rodruigez and Director Steve Killen. I am filing detailed complaints regarding their involvement in the actions against me with the TDLR (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation). They appear to do as they please against residents of Garland with no fear of being held accountable but, the TDLR will not take their misdeeds lightly. I am not finished writing the complaint against Dawood Haq yet but, the complaint is currently eleven pages long and the TDLR will have a lot of questions to ask when a hearing is held.

My case was reset for January 8, 2018 and the jury pool was released. I felt like talking to some of them as they stood in line to be paid but, I doubt they would have cared to talk after their morning being interrupted. 
Those interested in attending the trial to observe are encouraged to show up at 9AM on January 8th.

1 comment:

  1. you know I think this is probably one of the best written stories I've heard and read so far in reference to Garland shady code compliance situation and their officers in general. I would be excited to see exactly how many of the officers are actually license with tdlr at this point.


Thank you..